Client Launcher

Client Lauchner

الان بعد طول انتظار حصريتنا اهى معمول بالفجول بسك

Here is a launcher that i made quick cause i was bored and seen people have a problem with making when its sooooo simple you will need visual basic 2008 to edit it but here you go press thanks if i helped you. " pressing thanks is just so i know how many people are using this so i know how far i should take this project"
This project will become a svn project soon its fully open source.

Revision 1.1 is the newest version!

This would be a grate feature for c# sources. figured id state that

Revision 1.0
You will have to figure out how to make it work for the current binary version of mysql or figure out how to update the binarys msql to above 5.0

Revision 1.1

Never got to finsh it i might update this so that people have somthing good to work with but for right now this is just for you people to learn from.